Saturday, September 30, 2017

So I'm off to get my fortune told.

I'm off to a fortune teller today. I love getting my cards read every now and again. I even read the cards myself. In the past, I have made life decisions based on information provided to me by a psychic. I have been told many versions of a predicted life. If it was an exact science then I probably could of been done with seeing the one. I love to hear that I will be fabulously wealthy and happy. My realistic husband thinks it is all codswallop. He will still ask me what was told to me. This is probably due to the time we broke up as a psychic had told me he would never marry me. To be fair, at the time said husband could not be convinced that marriage was not the institution he believed it to be. He has asked me not to wear my wedding ring today. I will let you know how I get on...

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