Friday, September 22, 2017

For those of us easily distracted.

Let's call this person, person A. A tells me to stay focused. A does this hand gesture indicating focus. I can see A's point of view. I head off in tangents following swirly trains of thought and clouds of glitter. Stay focused they say. One of my aims for this year is that I do stay focused. I want clarity of focus much like Mr. Miyagi. Is it truly necessary to do the whole wax on wax off thing. I'm quiet lazy and really have poor upper arm strength. Poor strength in general. I mean holding the remote control doesn't count as strength training. If it did said Husband would be an Olympian champion by now. What is it with men and remote controls. Just because you have that black slick device does not mean that your holding any other sort of control around these parts Mr. 

See, I'm off again. what was I saying? Ah focus, yes. Clearly A is onto something. 

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