Sunday, September 17, 2017

D day. Dun, dun, den. Just sung that bit, so use your imagination. 

Okay folks, here it is. Change is a comin' an all that jazz. I don't even believe it myself. I was telling a friend when I was out Friday for my big last bash for a year, all bout my plans. He replied that I'd be forgiven for not sticking to it. Well, I'll prove him and myself wrong. 

I'm ditching the drink, junk food and negativity for 365 days. Today is day 1. I'm clueless as to how this will work. I'm currently addicted to sugar and my diet is terrible. I rely on a pack of biscuits each evening to get me through the day. White bread will be a thing of the past. Oh maybe just a couple of slices with the fry I intend to have this morning. So, technically the diet won't have started just yet...

I'm off to Dublin for a training course today for the week. Hotel food and stress, may see me not starting until things settle down on my return. Today is the day though where going out is a thing of the past. 

Clearly, I do not have it all worked out but join me as figure it out. 

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