Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Corpse Bride...

I'm up since half three. I think it was the moonlight that woke me. Oh dear, I love early mornings but will pay for this come the three PM slump. I've to go out for a fine dining experience this evening. They would get more chat out of a corpse at that time of the evening. I suppose I will get by with "mmm", "lovely" and the odd "the food is great". I love early mornings and the quietness afforded before anyone else gets up. Lyric are playing demented music that sounds like the backdrop to a horror movie. I mean I'm pumped up on enough coffee to fuel a power station, I really could do without the manic music. It is causing my imagination to go into overdrive. It's pitch dark out and I live in the middle of nowhere. I also have a big old shed in the yard as the American's say. You know the kind, murderers like to lodge there whilst on the run. It could also be haunted. At least I know what to do in case of emergency. All those films taught me I'm not to go outside. Unless of course the intruder is inside. Then what? I guess I hide in said shed.

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