Saturday, October 21, 2017

I'm getting there, wherever there is?

So I'm noticing a tiny improvement in energy levels. I started back at Slimming world two days ago. I've managed to stick to it religiously. Ending on 5 syns yesterday. Used all in one sitting of course. Chocolate rice cake bars, well worth the 5 syns. I actually measured 275mils of low fat milk today. That is kinda shocking as it only amounts to a few cups of coffee. I even halved a sausage in my pursuit of staying within syn allowance. Granted it was filled with black pudding but none the less, I feel a round of applause is in order. Cue clapping and flower throwing.

I logged into my old SW account. Yikes, I am up a stone since my last effort to loose the flab. I'm up almost 2 stone since the wedding. I set a goal to loose 2 stone. Would I be happy then? Probably not. At least my wardrobe would fit again. I have never stuck at a healthy eating plan long enough to find out what my body would settle at. Moderation now being my new concept. I'm an all or nothing kinda girl. So I'm doubting this will stick. But what if it did? What if I succeeded this time and maintained. See a pig flying in a tutu anyone?

So that is alcohol ditched completely. Now, I am sticking to a healthy diet. Wow, who is this girl? Think of all the outfits I can wear. I love cloths. I love dressing to suit my mood. How liberating would it be to wear whatever I wanted? With in reason I guess. I'm sure I would elicit some funny looks in the office next time I arrive in wearing a crown.

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