Saturday, November 25, 2017

Christmas madness

It is fast approaching Christmas. The time of year when you scramble to the shops to buy people stuff. More stuff. Do we not have enough things? I think that we should just get a small token of our gratitude and affection for the people in our lives. Even at that, it is impossible to buy for all the people that have touched your life. As the year hurtles towards it's end at breakneck speed let's take a minute to slow it down. 

What a year it has been. So much has changed for me. My work took up an unbelievable amount of energy and commitment. I'm focussing on wrapping up some projects I have on the go. I'm going to do a year end review. What worked, what can be improved on? Let's get this all in perspective? December is just a month. The last of this year. There is nothing to say that it can not be a relaxed time of contemplation and appreciation.

I for one am ending the year in slow down mode. I will not put myself through the chaos and tail chasing that was my usually Christmas norm. Count me out for the expected social engagements. Count me in for evenings by the fire and some serious Ugg wearing  (indoors of course!). Gathering the good and energising to begin 2018 with clarity and positivity and a healthy bank balance. 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Toxic people

I have given up drama. In fact, I bought a phone cover that read "no more drama lama" so I like to think of this as my new mantra. I always want to help people, to be that listening ear. I have found that a couple of people take advantage of this and it is a one way street with them debiting the account and me depositing the bank of relationship giving. I had a heart breaking interaction yesterday with a person that holds a lot of resentment towards me. I feel I can not mend the obvious tears in the fabric of this friendship.

I can not be responsible for someone else's feelings. I do however, wish to be accountable for my actions. I try to say I am sorry when I do wrong. Much like children in kindergarten saying sorry is a big part of life. That and getting a blanket at 3pm and going for a lie down. Wouldn't that be nice? It should be office policy. Drinking warm hot chocolate and snuggling away life's worries should be mandatory.

There are those people who are energy takers. The kind that leave you feeling worse after an encounter. We all know the kind. Time and time again you meet them thinking this time will be different. Ten seconds in and you realise that nope, they will rant at you for the next hour. Only pausing long enough to take a breath and mutter "so how are you anyway?" They don't wait for the answer. They probably wouldn't notice is you did not answer.

So with time being a premium commodity you can not buy or cash in for a refund, I say enough. I say that I care enough about my self, my energy and my time to bid this nonsense adieu. Hello to the energy givers, the kind that leave you refreshed and upbeat. If you encounter such a rare beauty, please do not take advantage of the way they make you feel. Life is about give and take folks.